Case Study
Author Solutions: Clarifying What Matters
David Casullo is a leadership expert and the author of Leading the High-Energy Culture. Leading Indicator Systems (LIS) works with Dave and his team at Daneli Partners to assess leadership and organizational issues.
What Matters to You?
“I've enjoyed working with Leading Indicator Systems (LIS) over many years. Their commitment to service, survey expertise and analytic capabilities are truly impressive. When I founded our new firm, I knew Leading Indicator Systems would make the perfect partner to help drive our leadership assessment programs”
– Dave Casullo
With thousands of business books published every year, how do you stand out from the competition? How do you engage your target audience? Ever-shortening attention spans and the explosion of media options make that challenge truly daunting.
A quick, fun self-assessment hosted online and promoted via social marketing seemed like a great way to cut through the noise. The solution offered a range of benefits: engage the target audience, build their follower community, generate leads for the business, capture meaningful data for further leadership research and reinforce the value of Casullo’s book. Casullo wanted the tool to focus in on the essence of authentic leadership – what really matters – to grab people’s attention both intellectually and emotionally. Reading the book and working with the Daneli Partners team, LIS crafted a behavioral self-assessment model that probed cognitive, emotional and physical traits across personal, professional and aspirational domains. A pilot study confirmed that the What Matters Quiz was fit for its purpose; results showed it to be both valid and reliable. Pairing thoughtful items with high impact visualizations and delivering instant, on-screen feedback has created a brief (8-10 minutes) but meaningful experience for users. More inquisitive quiz-takers can enter their name and email to get a more detailed self-assessment report and, if they choose, engage Daneli Partners in a leadership dialogue.
Casullo and his Daneli Partners team launched the What Matters Quiz, hosted and supported by LIS, via their website, various social media channels and highly targeted online advertising. The solution has provided Daneli Partners with valuable online visibility, driven traffic to the quiz, helped build their follower community and led to new business, even in unexpected ways… I decided to use the quiz during a leadership workshop. It created a fun, discussion-provoking experience. At the end of the event, a CEO approached me to dig deeper and that led to a new client relationship – Dave Casullo LIS monitors quiz results, runs regular analytics and works with the Daneli team to continuously improve the user experience and drive insight for their business. Take the What Matters Quiz and see what you think!
“The What Matters Quiz surfaced things I hadn’t thought about in decades. It really got me thinking.”
– Quiz-taker feedback